Nueva publicación de Sociales de la UBA
Acaba de publicarse el Dossier especial “Encuentros Interdisciplinarios entre China y Argentina” en la revista PSOCIAL, de acceso abierto.
La publicación cuenta con los artículos China’s reflection on the River Plate. A historical overview of indirect contacts between China and the River Plate region in a globalized world (17th – 19th centuries). An introduction to the special issue, de Ana Hosne; Art, politics and visual culture in China at the beginning of the 20th century: Lu Xun and the initial diffusion of modern woodblock printing (Shanghai, 1927-1932), de Verónica Noelia Flores; Back to Chang’an. A polemic within the “popular” (minjian) camp at the beginning of the 21st century, de Miguel Ángel Petrecca; On the expression of negation in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish, de Feifei Li; Linguistic policies for Overseas Chinese migrants. An analysis of Putonghua learning textbooks in the City of Buenos Aires, de María Florencia Sartori; In search of “gold” and “glory”.Trajectories of Chinese migrants’ mobility Chinese migrants forty years after they arrive in la city of Buenos Aires, de Luciana Emilia Denardi; Gender-related tensions throughout the educational process of transnational generations in families of Chinese origin. The case of Cordoba province, Argentina (2019-2021), de Eduardo Rodríguez Rocha; Confession and shame: the manual for confession Dizui zhenggui 涤罪正规 (Correct rules for the elimination of sins) (1627) by Giulio Aleni SJ in the Jesuit mission to China, de Le Ren, y Text and image: friendship, moral persuasion and life philosophy in “Reminiscence of Nanjing” (1707) by Shi Tao and “Nothing is comparable to a true friend” (1701) by Otto Vaenius and Antonio Brum, de Rongqiao Wu.
PSOCIAL es una revista de investigaciones en psicología social de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
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